Download TRex Miner 0.26.1 - NVIDIA GPU Miner

1 minute read

Version: 0.26.1
File: *t-rex.exe,
SHA256: 9a1b79f9aefba63d3593d7c81c2544820e6a791433630d7f291f18bd5bcc3ff2
(Download for Linux)

T-Rex Miner The new T-Rex Miner stable version is ready.

You can download T-Rex Miner 0.26.1 from here:

Download Now

Download (mirror)

Inside the archive you will find a file README.txt with installation instructions.

Make sure to replace the pool and wallet address by what you’re using in all files.

HiveOS update command:

miner stop ; killall -9 t-rex ; cd /tmp ; rm t-rex*.tar.gz* ; wget && tar -xvf t-rex-0.26.1-linux.tar.gz && cp /tmp/t-rex /hive/miners/t-rex/0.26.1/ && miner start

mining rig for trex miner


  • (ethash, autolykos2) LHR 100% unlock (except 3080 12GB and 3050)
    LHR unlocker requires 512.xx version of the driver on Windows, and 510.xx on Linux

TREX 0.26.1 VS NBMiner 41.4 FULL LHR Unlock HiveOS Windows 10 3050 3060 3060 TI 3070 3070 TI 3080

T-REX MINER 0.26.1 VS NBMINER 41.4 BETA FULL LHR UNLOCK properly tested, including profits, comparison and overclock settings. Which has the best LHR unlock? Which is most efficient? What is the changelog? Those are the questions that we will be answering. We will also look at NBMiner RTX 3050 LHR unlock and RTX 3080 12GB LHR unlock at 90%!


T-REX 0.26.1 Windows 10 batch file:

t-rex.exe -a ethash -o stratum+tcp://{POOL} -u {WALLET} --fan 100 --lock-cclock {LOCKEDCORE} --mclock {WINMEMORY}

100% LHR UNLOCK T-Rex 0.26.1 VS. NBMiner 41.3 Hive OS Official Support

In this video Hiveos has officially added both latest versions of the LHR Unlockers so I tried them out to see if one out performs the other


T-Rex Miner 0.26 100% LHR Unlock!!! - Hive OS Set Up - 3060 V2

In this video T-Rex just dropping its 100% LHR Unlock looks like there is no stopping these miners from finally destroying the v1 and v2 versions of LHR sadly it looks like 3050 and 3080 12gb models are v3 and no unlocks are here for them.

