Download TRex Miner 0.26.4 - NVIDIA GPU Miner

less than 1 minute read

Version: 0.26.4
File: *t-rex.exe,
SHA256: efcb54f787efd286792d7422a41a04cd62ee804e7099cba45aa850a9e73fdbd0
(Download for Linux)

T-Rex Miner The new T-Rex Miner stable version is ready.

You can download T-Rex Miner 0.26.4 from here:

Download Now

Download (mirror)

Inside the archive you will find a file README.txt with installation instructions.

Make sure to replace the pool and wallet address by what you’re using in all files.

HiveOS update command:

miner stop ; killall -9 t-rex ; cd /tmp ; rm t-rex*.tar.gz* ; wget && tar -xvf t-rex-0.26.4-linux.tar.gz && cp /tmp/t-rex /hive/miners/t-rex/0.26.4/ && miner start

mining rig for trex miner


  • LHR unlock of 3080 12GB and 3050 (~90%)

Bug fixes:

  • Miner sometimes takes too long to shut down on multi-GPU rigs

Trex Miner and lol miner ver - 100 '%' LHR Unlock ETH mining

In this video we are going to discuss the performance of TREX Miner & lol miner, with 100% LHR unlock in Hive OS with RTX 3060 , RTX 3060 V1 & RTX 3060Ti


