Download TRex Miner 0.24.0 - NVIDIA GPU Miner

1 minute read

Version: 0.24.0
File: *t-rex.exe,
SHA256: a3ed2c1b27d4038932fe4185cc6f4a032eee30ce125a60049babcff3ac3c3a86
(Download for Linux)

T-Rex Miner The new T-Rex Miner stable version is ready.

You can download T-Rex Miner 0.24.0 from here:

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Inside the archive you will find a file README.txt with installation instructions.

Make sure to replace the pool and wallet address by what you’re using in all files.

mining rig


  • LHR unlock dual mining mode: You can now mine ETH (~30% of full speed) and other coins (~70%) simultaneously with LHR cards using their full potential. Available combinations along with memory requirements: ETH+ERGO (8GB+) ETH+RVN (8GB+) ETH+CFX (10GB+)
  • WebUI is not updated yet to reflect second algo stats in dual mode, but will be in future.
  • (ethash) “standard” LHR unlock changes and improvements:
  • automatically detect LHR cards even if --lhr-tune is not specified
  • new parameter --lhr-low-power reduces power consumption in LHR mode at a cost of a slightly lower hashrate (start from –lhr-tune 68)
  • change of --lhr-tune scale compared to the version 0.23.2, now it indicates a percentage of the GPU’s full hashrate the miner tries to achieve. The old values in the [1-8] range are automatically mapped to the new scale, no configuration change required.
  • recommended starting LHR tune values: 71 in normal mode, 68 in low power consumption mode (this doesn’t apply to dual mode)

